
Manage everything from one place
صورة النظام المالي لنصيح تكنولوجي

Financial system

It is a system for collecting, storing and processing financial and accounting data used by decision makers. This system uses smart tools to analyze data and generate financial reports accurately and effectively, using local and international reporting standards. This system also links accounting data with operations data from other departments, such as manufacturing, retail and supply chain, to provide a comprehensive view of the organization’s performance, and includes several parts such as general accounting, banks, commercial papers, fixed assets, receivables and exchange papers, and estimated balances.

1- General Accounts:

The system supports influencing G/L accounts directly through the movement of automatic restrictions for the movement of stores, purchases, sales and.. etc., and through the movement of direct daily entries such as receivables, exchange vouchers and entry bonds, and this leads to obtaining direct inquiries about the daily movement and statements of accounts and on important reports and records such as journal records, general ledger, trial balances, profit and loss statements and balance sheet. The system also provides the “financial analysis” function for optional use, which enables accountants to build financial analysis relationships and performance evaluation indicators such as “debt ratios”, “liquidity ratios”, “profitability ratios” and other financial position ratios or financial management in accordance with each facility to give an accurate and practical picture of the financial situation at any moment, where it is possible to establish financial analysis relationships within one year for different periods of months or multiple years, and relationships can also be created. Financial analysis between the actual amounts and the estimated amounts of the budget within one or different years.

2- Banks and commercial papers:

Through the system for banking transactions, the entity can represent everything related to dealing with the banking system and securities such as checks and bills of exchange, as the system supports all movements related to the security, starting from its issuance or receipt until its collection, through its attachment to receipt or exchange vouchers, registering it in bank portfolios, and following up on its status through bank notices with the possibility of canceling them before collection at any time. We also support efficient systems for bank reconciliation memoranda, letters of guarantee and bank transfers.

3- Fixed assets and covenant:

Assets are characterized by a special nature as they have a tangible physical entity, and are acquired for the purpose of use and not for the purpose of sale, and they have a useful life that remains for years and the value of the asset should decrease with the passage of this life, reflecting the real value of the asset. The fixed assets system supports all stages of the fixed asset, starting from buying it to disposing of it or selling it, passing through the issuance of periodic depreciation, replacement, replacement and maintenance operations. The system allows dealing with some expenses as a covenant with employees while following up this covenant with a comprehensive document cycle.

4- Electronic Invoice:

The government is moving to digitize data and deal with it electronically instead of the paper system, which allows easy access to and transfer of data and reduces the possibility of damage or manipulation of its content. Among these data is that related to the tax levied on the invoice. Therefore, the government started to apply the electronic invoice system, which means sending customer invoices periodically to the Tax Authority and then proving them after verifying the validity of the data and its compliance with the standards. Naseeh Technology Company supported the electronic invoice system by adding many settings and tools that help the customer in sending invoices periodically in accordance with the standards set by the Egyptian government

5- Estimated budgets:

The system provides a separate list of estimated budgets for any of the establishment’s accounts. Where a scenario can be defined by the size of the budget allocated to one of the purchase or payroll accounts or any of the entity’s accounts, whether at the level of the fiscal year or at the level of the month, and the budget of the account can be defined at the level of a specific cost center or several cost centers. This is at the level of each item, where you can make more than one scenario according to the customer and the sales representative to record the expected sales volume for each item at the level of the period and any of the existing cost centers such as administration and sector. The system also provides a mechanism for calculating the cost of budget items, and then the expected profit.

  • Comprehensive files and documents to identify the accounts of the establishment.
  • Superior mechanism for cost centers.
  • Define any number of currencies and deal with them.
  • Systems of settlements with various receivables.
  • Receivables, disbursements and notices with accounts and receivables
    Department of commercial papers and banking transactions.
  • Budgets, fixed assets and covenant.
  • Mobile applications for receipts and electronic capture.

Supply Chain System

Supply chain systems are systems that aim to organize and improve the transportation, storage and distribution of goods and services from source to end consumer. These systems include a set of modules or applications that cover various aspects of the supply chain, such as warehouse management, procurement, sales, documentary credits, and points of sale. 

1- Warehouse management:

The system provides detailed information about the quantities and nature of the items and the movements that took place on them, as well as the system allows defining an unlimited number of warehouses that can contain an unlimited number of storage locations, as well as the system provides all the documents that serve the process of disbursement, supply and transfer, in addition to the rules for withdrawing items and creating warehouse documents and other abundant capabilities supported by the system.

2- Purchasing and suppliers management:

The purchasing process is the first step for any commercial cycle and it is the source of cost, so the system supports a flexible and effective purchasing cycle that can be used to identify first-hand statistics on purchases and suppliers and follow up the purchasing process and stand momentarily on the requirements of the establishment.

3- Sales and customers management:

Sales and what they achieve in terms of profitability and return on decision-makers and shareholders are the main goal of any commercial activity. Therefore, sales have been designed in the system so that it includes different sales systems and pricing methods and offers, in addition to following up the sales movement and its statistics first-hand, which serves the decision-maker efficiently and effectively.

4- Documentary credits:

The import and documentary credits process is characterized by a special nature where it is possible to receive one credit on several shipments at spaced intervals that require a strong and effective accounting system to follow up the costs of shipments first-hand, including incoming shipments and all expenses incurred by the company until closing the credit and completing the assignment of all incoming items, and at the same time allowing to sell the incoming goods before completing the final cost process. The system covers all credit procedures starting from requesting to open the credit submitted to the bank and passing by registering all data and preliminary invoices, then following up all incoming shipments and all expenses and procedures taken in detail until assigning all incoming items and then closing the credit permanently and preventing users from issuing any movements on it.

5- POS points of sale:

POS points are characterized by a different work environment from other accounting systems, which imposes designing a flexible system that is easy to learn and does not allow errors or manipulation as the cashier deals directly with money, as well as the system must be fast so that it can withstand issuing the highest amount of sales invoices in the shortest possible time due to The nature imposed by the work environment.

  •  A comprehensive and integrated file for items and their sections.
  • A very efficient and effective inventory system.
  • Mobile application to facilitate the inventory process.
  • Automatic coding of items.
  • A complete system for grouped items.
  • Support the tender system.
  • Apply quality assurance and control standards.
  • Full support for all payment systems. Pricing and offers systems that are very flexible.
  • A very powerful system for sales and purchase permissions.
صورة انظمة سلاسل التوريد والتوزيع لنصيح تكنولوجي
HR System Nasseh Tecnology

Human Resource Management System

A system that helps in managing human resources functions in organizations, such as storing employee data, preparing salaries and benefits, and conducting recruitment, training, evaluation, and development processes. The human resources management system aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of human resources and provide strategic insights for making appropriate decisions.

1- Salaries and wages:

An infinite number of salary items with different natures can be defined, such as basic salary, allowance, nature of work allowance, transportation allowance, etc.

2- Attendance and departure:

The system provides a flexible method for defining attendance and departure plans for employees with different work natures, for example, defining attendance plans for administrative staff other than those for factory workers other than those for night shift workers and so on. The system also allows defining variable working hours for employees and workers that vary periodically according to the nature of work, for example, creating a shift work plan for workers so that they exchange working hours daily, weekly or monthly with the possibility of defining exceptional working hours within these working hours to adapt to the nature of work. Of course, the system is compatible with all attendance and departure machines and data can be imported via Excel or mobile application.

3- Leaves and permissions:

The system allows defining multiple types of leaves such as casual, regular, official, etc. And a workflow can be determined to request leave so that it is approved according to the nature of the leave. In addition to the possibility of the employee requesting permission or leave and knowing the response through the mobile application.

4- Rewards and penalties:

The system allows defining more than one type of rewards and penalties, whether material or in-kind. Through the file type reward – penalty, an infinite number of them can be defined and link cash rewards and penalties to salary.

5- Appointments and classifications:

The system allows entering the needs of each department from employees to start after that in recruiting new employees according to the needs of each department and following up on applicants for work and presenting job offers to them and notifying them of acceptance and rejection.

And through service termination bonds, the work of any of the employees can be terminated with a statement of the reason for termination such as dismissal, retirement or resignation.

6- Social insurance and taxes:

The system supports adding employees to social insurance and tax systems with registering the insured company, social insurance number, establishment number and so on. The system also supports deleting any of the employees from social insurance systems for any reason.

7- Health insurance:

The system supports issuing a medical insurance policy for workers with different insurance categories according to the desire of the establishment, as well as issuing insurance offers requests for targeted insurance companies in addition to registering the offers submitted by insurance companies and determining the percentage of employee’s burden and maximum amount borne by the company.

8- Visas and recruitment:

We support a system for recruiting employees starting from issuing detailed visas required and following up on their authorization with other parties until granting visas to targeted employees and registering their arrival and exit and return visas and final exit and receiving passport in addition to registering family visits.

9- Car insurance:

The system supports issuing an insurance policy specific to cars for insuring any number of cars with registering the percentage of insurance and tax specific to each car in addition to determining the required installments with stating the date and value specific to each installment.

10- Loans and installments:

The system allows defining an infinite number of types of loans through a special file for that, for example, it is possible to define a marriage loan, Ramadan loan, operation costs loan, etc. This classification helps in the method of dealing with the employee regarding the loan, for example, operation costs loan can be dropped or dropped part of it on the employee.

11- Training and meals:

The system allows defining multiple types of meals for workers and employees that vary according to the degree of job specific to each worker or employee with determining the working time that will be spent in this meal. And skills can be defined for each employee and give an estimate for each skill (weak, good, very good, excellent) and thus all skills specific to each employee can be identified, which helps the establishment in identifying the courses that each employee needs.

12- Performance indicators:

The system supports a method of monthly performance indicators whereby a salary item is linked to this indicator and then affects the employee’s salary negatively or positively.

  • A detailed file for each employee.
  • Easily adapting to the internal regulations of companies.
  • Adapting work rules according to the country.
  • Full follow-up of employee papers.
  • Mobile application to enable each employee to self-service himself.
  • Full integration with the accounting system.
  • Flexible and easy ways to calculate variable items.
  • Supporting multiple currencies for the employee.
  • Alerts by mail and SMS.

Real Estate System

The system supports multiple systems for real estate investment that cover all real estate activities starting from registering properties in a detailed and organized manner and dealing with them by selling or renting and even following up on collections for the owner and the bank and the brokerage system in an interactive environment that saves the user a lot of time and effort.

1- Detailed information:

The system allows recording all the data related to the property such as the location of the property, its address, the owner’s and buyer’s data, in addition to the possibility of inserting any number of owners with determining the ownership percentage for each owner, with the possibility of attaching any number of documents for each property record such as sales or rental contracts, owner’s ID card and so on. The system also supports entering detailed information about the property such as the area, width of the surrounding streets, different directions and so on.

2- Reservation systems:

The system supports booking the property either by temporary reservations with determining the validity of the reservation or by normal reservation with determining the value of the reservation, the contracting parties and the specifications of the reserved property for the user to confirm or cancel the reservation to create a final sales contract.

3- Sales systems:

The system supports all commercial transactions related to selling properties such as:

Selling the property permanently with determining a discount percentage for cash sale and a different price according to the number of installments.

Installment of the value of the property over multiple installments with determining the value of each installment, and the system provides a mechanism for listing installment payments based on the installment system followed.

The system also supports all details of the sales process such as unit price, down payment, paid from reservation, brokerage percentage from both owner and buyer.

4- Rental systems:

The system supports a detailed definition of the rental process in addition to following up on due rentals periodically, through the rental document, the following data are determined:

The different contracting parties such as owner, buyer, sales representative and so on.

The required rental period with determining the start and end dates and type of rent such as monthly or yearly or …, etc., in addition to a detailed statement of the purpose of renting the unit.

Contract financial data such as contract value, annual increase, maintenance expenses, water, insurance percentage, brokerage and so on.

Special discounts for each year of rental according to the agreement between the contracting parties.

Possibility to define rented units. And each unit is affiliated and has an owner and a meter number and other data determined by the client as needed.

Based on the previous information, the user can list all due rentals with document details including rent value, due date and so on with one click on the contract document. In addition to that, the system allows creating collection documents for the tenant through another click on the document for the system to insert the paid and remaining value and so on.

The system allows canceling the contract at any time through a special document for that so that the relationship between owner and tenant ends with liquidating insurance expenses and clarifying reason for cancellation with possibility of attaching any documents to document termination of contract.

5- Brokerage systems:

The system supports brokerage system applied in some countries which is defining a third party between owner and buyer and tenant who follows up beneficiary from property such as collecting payments or rents in addition to service prices and maintenance expenses from buyer and tenant. The system allows brokerage value to be a specific percentage or fixed value, likewise, service percentage is determined such as being 2% of annual rent value or fixed value such as being 250 pounds for water for each rented eye for example and so on.

6- Collection and expense systems:

The system enables user to issue following documents:

Collection documents for rents, sales and reservations with inserting all details such as collected amount and type of collected item (sale, insurance, maintenance costs, brokerage … etc.), with inserting data of intermediary, collector, bank transferor and any other attachments.

The system allows transferring ownership of property to another owner. Transfer process is done through an independent document specific for that to support transferring ownership more than once and possibility of inserting that in reports.

Documents specific to maintenance expenses at level of each unit.

Disbursement requests for owner or bank with possibility of aggregating more than one collection document as needed to disburse them in one batch.

  • Create and update a database of units, customers and suppliers
  • Follow up on the status of units (available, reserved, sold, under construction, …)
  • Issuing invoices, receipts, contracts and checks automatically.
  • Managing payment plans, installments, expenses and revenues
  • Generating reports, graphs and digital indicators to analyze work performance
  • The alert method whether near the payment date or bank collections or the end of the lease period or the reservation date and other events that interest both the owner or the beneficiary. The system allows multiple methods of alerting such as notifications that appear on the user interface or messages via email or SMS

Contact Info

ادارة العقارات نصيح تكنولوجي
Real Estate
نظام ادارة المقاولات Contracting system

Contracting System

A system that combines a contracting management system and a contract management system. This system aims to facilitate the process of managing construction and building projects in terms of planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, contracting, accounting and reporting. This system helps to improve the efficiency and quality of work, reduce risks and costs, increase customer satisfaction and suppliers and subcontractors, and helps the decision maker to know the analysis of each project, open cost centers and determine the profitability.

1- Detailed information:

The system provides independent files for the most important elements of contracting, so that they are invoked by the system documents, which serves the search and reading processes. The system supports defining an independent record for each project, and a special record for each element of the direct cost elements related to the contracting work, and a comprehensive file to define subcontractors with recording all contact and account data for each contractor and another file to define consultants in addition to files of work areas and classifications of items and standard conditions, and standard items. This amount of data gives you the flexibility to register project documents easily and smoothly, especially those periodic and repeated ones.

2- Project contract:

The system supports all the different stages of the project, starting from receiving the terms of reference and registering all its items and conditions, passing through registering the different estimates, and registering the project contract with all its details based on the terms of reference or estimate, then issuing the abstracts as planned in the contract, until issuing the final abstract and closing the project. This cycle works in parallel with sub-projects contracts that are implicitly included in the project.

3- Subcontractor contract:

The system supports independent documents for subcontractors, following the same approach as facility contracts. The subcontracting project can be linked to one of the contract items or several items or the entire project, you can follow up on sub-projects in parallel with the original project so that you can stand on the total cost at any moment and the system allows dispensing raw materials and returning them to the subcontractor to deduct the net value due later from the abstracts issued to The subcontractor, on the other hand, may need an advance payment from the original contractor to complete the items assigned to him or may need any financing during work. The system provides financing for the subcontractor to be deducted later from the value of abstracts issued to him once or in installments.

4- Costs:

Spending on contracting projects is done in different and branched ways, which requires a strong and effective cost system for it. The system provides through the direct cost file entering an infinite number of cost elements and linking them to raw materials, labor, subcontractor or another determinant. These elements are used to issue analytical cards to see a detailed plan of all project costs and then determine the profit margin and final price of the contracting project. On the other hand, the system adopts a method of dividing the project into items and dividing each item into sub-items and work stages and then following up on costs first-hand. The system also supports recording costs for each item with independent accounts and cost centers, and then standing on the size of costs for each item at each project level or at several different projects.

5- Quality:

The work in contracting may require adherence to specific quality standards so that the contract is not received from the contractor or subcontractor until it is confirmed that quality and agreed specifications are achieved. Therefore, the system provides several documents to record how well work matches quality standards.

6- Budgets:

The system supports defining estimated and executive budgets for any of the different project items, so that an estimated cost is determined for any of the contract items and periodically reviewed for how much any of these items deviates from the planned cost in budgets.

7- Fines:

The system supports applying contracting fines for reasons of delay, damage, etc. Fines can be issued to the contractor for the benefit of the client or to subcontractor for benefit of contractor, and in both cases it is possible to link fine with one of project items or budget items related to project to take it into account when tracking costs for each item. Then values ​​of fines are deducted from abstracts issued either for contractor or subcontractor.

  • Full support for project phases
  • Comprehensive files for contracting
  • elements Comprehensive contract record and independent account
  • Inventory of quantities and issuance of abstracts
  • Flexible system for cost calculation
  • Complete system for subcontracting
  • Detailed simulation of contracting work
  • Automatic system for calculating dues
  • Flexible and non-typical system for contracting price lists
  • Tracking expenses of raw materials and supplies
  • Labor costs and loading them on the project
  • Penalty systems
  • Budget systems
  • Quality systems

Manufacturing System

A manufacturing management system is a system that aims to improve and organize the production and manufacturing processes in industrial enterprises. This system helps to plan, execute, monitor and analyze all stages of production from product design to distribution and service, passing through raw materials, machines, labor and quality. The manufacturing management system uses techniques such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence and the Internet of things to collect and analyze data and make appropriate decisions to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the manufacturing process.

1- Production management system:

The manufacturing system of the system is designed to serve industrial facilities from defining raw materials and components of the final product and human resources and the mechanism that enters the manufacturing process and defining the operating processes that result in converting raw materials into a final product, then issuing production orders that result in the final product and then delivering it to the store after calculating the final cost of the final product.

2- Job order management system (non-standard production):

Through the job order system “Job Orders System”, the system supports non-standard industries and workshops and small factories and others. These industries are characterized by their diversity according to customer desires, as they are non-standard industries that vary according to color, length, size, etc., such as workshops specialized in glass, aluminum, wood and furniture workshops, as well as the system supports service job orders such as installation, maintenance and others. The system also supports manufacturing by others, whereby the facility performs specific operating processes for other workshops.

3- Resource and requirements planning system (MRP):

Through the resource planning system, products are planned to be manufactured in specific periods, taking into account the available resources of raw materials in this period, and then vouchers for production orders or requests for production orders can be issued at a future stage for manufactured products, which requires issuing purchase orders or requests for purchase orders before entering the manufacturing stage. To provide the raw materials necessary to manufacture the planned products. All this can be done automatically by the system and in a simple way that allows officials to issue forecasts or purchase orders, which are based on issuing planning bonds for manufactured products, which in turn issue production order bonds for manufactured products and raw material purchase orders automatically.

4- Quality standards application and confirmation system:

The system allows applying quality standards to items received or disbursed from the facility, this feature is very important especially with industrial activities, as through supporting quality check lists “Check Lists” you can test the quality of items and then determine their acceptance or rejection. Quality is tested by a quality control document “Quality Control Document” for verifying that items conform to quality standards at the facility, and a quality assurance document “Quality Assurance Document” to ensure that all quality verification processes have been done correctly.

  • Increases productivity: as it helps to identify and allocate the resources needed to produce a specific quantity of products in a specific time.
  • Improves quality: as it helps to apply quality standards and specifications to all stages of production, inspection, testing and assurance.
  • Reduces costs: as it helps to reduce waste, loss, repair and rework by improving the use of materials, energy and time. Increases
  • profitability: as it helps to increase revenues by meeting the needs and desires of customers better and faster.
  • Flexibility: as it helps to adapt to changes in the market, demand and competition by changing or modifying or adding products or lines or machines.
  • Innovation: as it helps to develop and update products or services or processes by using modern techniques
  • Integration: as it helps to improve communication and understanding between all departments and teams related to production by exchanging information and ideas instantly and accurately.
  • Safety: as it helps to reduce the risks of accidents or injuries or pollution by following the laws and procedures of occupational safety and health.
  • Transparency: as it helps to monitor and control all stages of production continuously and in detail by using information systems and reporting.
  • Development: as it helps to improve the performance of the production process continuously by identifying and solving problems and opportunities.
نظام إدارة المستشفيات Hospital management system

Hospital System

A hospital management system is an integrated software system that handles different directions of hospital workflows. It manages the smooth healthcare performance along with administrative, medical, legal and financial control. This is the cornerstone for the successful operation of the healthcare facility.

1- The detailed structure of the hospital:

Through the system, you can describe the hospital in a precise tree-like way, where you can define the buildings and medical departments, then the floors, rooms with their different degrees, and beds.

2- Detailed files:

The system supports a detailed file for each of the doctors, patients, and types of surgeries, and other files, as the system was designed so that the doctor or patient is treated as a debtor and defining any number of accounts for each of them in addition to a detailed description of personal information and contact information and the ability to access all the procedures that have been performed for this patient

3- Outpatient clinics:

The system allows defining outpatient clinics with a description of the location in the hospital and the medical specialty of the clinic. The system supports recording special examinations for both inpatients and outpatients with a mechanism for booking by date and time in advance. On the other hand, the system allows defining appointments for each doctor in the clinic throughout the week.

4- Reception:

Through the system, all patient procedures can be recorded, such as registering the admission form, including registering the preliminary diagnosis of the patient and insurance information, if any, and patient accommodation information and accommodation prices and medical supervision, taking into account discounts on prices, taxes and insurance rates.

When issuing the final invoice for the patient, all the user has to do is enter the code for the admission form and then use the invoice aggregation procedure for the system to include all medical services, including the integrated costs for each service – if any – to charge the patient for the total value of services provided.

5- Accommodation:

The system supports an integrated system for accommodating patients, where at the beginning of working on the system, any number of rooms can be defined with a detailed description of the location of each room and type of room, whether it is reception, intensive care, incubator, outpatient clinic, or operations or … etc. The degree of room is also defined where it is possible by price lists to determine the price for each degree.

The patient can be accommodated from entering the hospital or accommodated based on medical procedures. During the patient’s stay, he can move from one room to another while taking into account the change in accommodation price according to the room. Accommodation can also be charged by number of days or hours. The system allows distinguishing between accommodation and medical supervision where an invoice can be issued for each of them in addition to taking into account accommodation for companions and issuing an invoice for them.

6- Invoices and financial procedures:

The system supports issuing a detailed invoice for patient accommodation with recording number of days and timings for each room. It is also possible to issue an invoice for each of the patient’s companions. Finally, issuing a medical sales invoice for supplies that have been dispensed to the patient, surgeries, tests, in addition to dispensed medications and tests, x-rays and other medical services.

7- Tests and x-rays:

The system allows creating tests with their different types and recording test results with reference to normal rates in addition to issuing invoices for different tests and loading them on the total invoice for the patient.

The system also supports an integrated system for recording different x-rays for patients where it is possible to define any number of types of x-rays (normal, sectional, magnetic resonance,… etc.) including their price and tax policy and insurance categories for each type.

Through an x-ray result file, x-ray results are recorded with all details including reports related to result in addition to possibility of uploading image of x-ray with result and any other attachments.

8- Pharmacies and blood banks:

The system allows defining any number of pharmacies inside hospital. Pharmacy invoices are issued to patients including discounts and taxes as well as supporting health insurance for medications. Medication can be dispensed and returned with special vouchers for that purpose and an invoice issued to patient later.

The system also supports defining an infinite number of blood banks and issuing invoices and returns of blood banks according to patient’s need.

9- Physical therapy system:

The system supports physical therapy for patients when needed where it is possible to define any number of types of physical therapy with determining pricing system and insurance system for each of these types with issuing invoices for physical therapy services provided including prices, discounts, taxes and insurance information.

10- Surgical operations:

The system supports recording various surgical operations through a special system with defining a special pricing system for each operation including discount, tax and insurance value, supplies and medical services that are dispensed to patient with each operation. Supplies and medical services are automatically dispensed with operation invoice.

The system also supports the case of performing more than one operation in one place with applying a different pricing system in this case, and the operation can be loaded with the fees of the surgeon, assistant surgeon, anesthesia and any other fees.

  • Detailed price lists and discounts for hospital services.
  • A comprehensive file of all the costs included.
  • The system automatically allows changing the patient’s price plan since entering the hospital.
  • Processing of operations agreements.
  • A special system for feeding patients.
  • Processing insurance and co-payment rates.
  • Full support for all medical services.
  • Monitoring costs and financial procedures moment by moment.
  • An unlimited number of safes, payment methods and shifts.

Service Center System

It is a special system that works on maintaining industrial products such as car maintenance workshops, equipment and electrical appliances maintenance and others. The system supports all phases of the service for the manufactured product, starting from the reservation request submitted by the customer until the completion of the service and following up the warranty period for the maintenance through a customer service system.

1- Detailed files:

The system provides a huge amount of files to record all the data required by the maintenance process, whether it is the data related to the product itself, such as the brand, model, serial numbers, chassis number and motor number, or the data related to the maintenance load, such as warranty and insurance data, or the data related to the customer.

All the data related to the service centers can be entered, where any number of workshops can be defined, including reception data, operating resources, whether technicians or equipment, and working hours for each workshop and so on.

The system also allows recording an unlimited number of operating resources, whether human or mechanical, with the possibility of linking them to the human resources and fixed assets systems and determining the cost of each.

2- Tasks:

The system allows defining tasks such as “oil change”, “battery change”, “oil filter change” through a special file, so that they can be invoked later by adding task documents. Through the task record, you can define the duration and price of the task, at the level of each brand of product brands. You can also define spare parts and resources used for each task.

3- Services:

Of course, the product may need more than one task for maintenance, so you can define a service that includes a group of tasks that have been previously defined in the task file. For example, you can define a service named 20000 km maintenance, which includes a group of tasks such as changing oil, changing filter, etc. Of course, the price of the service as a whole may differ from the total prices of the tasks if they are performed individually. Also, a service price is determined for each model of product models (car). The system allows defining service request documents to issue work orders based on them.

4- Inspection and receipt:

Through inspection and receipt documents, you can record all inspection points such as the amount of gasoline in the car, meter reading, tire condition, cracks and scratches present, and so on. To facilitate the user, the system supports defining inspection points to determine the specifications of the received product. You can also define inspection templates that include a group of inspection points to be invoked directly by inspection documents. Before receiving the product, the system supports issuing service requests for the customer, to describe the required maintenance process with determining the dates of receipt and delivery.

5- Measurement:

Before starting work, you can issue a measurement document to determine the tasks required by the work order. The measurement is of utmost importance in service centers when the product has insurance where the measurement is issued to the insurance party for approval to bear part of the maintenance price and agree on the percentage of this price, and then a work order is issued based on this measurement. The system provides two documents to record measurement: “measurement document” and “measurement modification document”.

6- Work orders:

The work order is the main part of product maintenance. As soon as a work order is defined for one of the products, you can add different tasks and issue executions for workers’ working hours and disbursement and return of spare parts, and other movements that cannot be recorded unless a work order is issued first. The system accepts issuing movements related to work order until work order is closed.

7- Maintenance invoices:

Once work order is closed, sales invoices for services provided can be issued. Work order invoice is price of executed tasks plus price of disbursed spare parts.

8- Disbursement and return of spare parts:

Of course, most often product needs disbursement of spare parts in addition to service. The system provides two special documents for disbursement and return of spare parts: “disbursement of spare parts” and “return of spare parts”. The system allows disbursement and return of spare parts on work order until work order is closed. After that, system prevents issuing any disbursement or return documents.

9- Work order executions:

As soon as work order is issued, system allows issuing execution documents through which execution times of tasks for workers, engineers and technicians on work order are recorded. They can also be used to change status of tasks such as transferring one of tasks to (under operation,pending,closed…etc) in addition to some other actions. It is worth mentioning that most important thing represented by execution document is monitoring workers in terms of working hours per task and then evaluating them. Execution documents have no effect on price of tasks. But certainly through designing reports in system you can identify cost of labor performed on each task from work order tasks through workers’ execution times.

10- Meter reading records:

Through meter reading records, system provides mechanism for recording meter reading at any date without need to open new work order. This method benefits service centers owned by travel companies that serve fleet of cars.

By recording the meter readings, you can follow up on the required maintenance first-hand, as the system reminds you of the tasks required when exceeding a certain number of kilometers.

  • Comprehensive files to define all aspects of maintenance.
  • Full support for pre-maintenance procedures.
  • Complete flexibility in loading maintenance price.
  • Realistic simulation of maintenance process.
  • Tracking work orders, invoices and payments accurately and transparently.
  • Monitoring work efficiency, productivity and quality for employees and workshops.
  • Providing analytical and statistical reports to support decision making and planning.
  • Reducing costs, errors and waste by improving work efficiency, productivity and quality for employees and workshops.
  • Sending reports to customers near maintenance date and vehicle status by email and SMS.
صورة مراكز الخدمة Services Center

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